On hiatus until further notice.
You can contact RainbowTea via Discord friend request or contact form

Art by: Kibouw

We were formerly named "The Oasis", now called "Traveler's Respite". We changed our name to fit the ongoing theme of our server where each season we change the theme of our server and "travel" to a new location or world.Season one is where our humble beginnings started in a small oasis town. In season 2, our travels crash-landed onto Planet Oasis.Season 3 is our latest. We discovered an island with lifesize mushrooms as far as the eye can see.Join us each season as we travel to a new location!

Season 2 Art
Art by : Callontheraven

Season 3

Current Season Theme : Fantasy Medieval
Date: April 22, 2023

A LGBTQIA+ Friendly space. ❤️

SERVER ESTABLISHED ON: APRIL 9TH,2022A season-based, whitelisted, and 18+ Minecraft server. Semi-vanilla with quality-of-life data packs and plugins.Our community consists of students, working professionals, family, and friends. Casuals, newbies, and veteran Minecrafters are welcome to join.We are looking for players interested in fostering a community and joining our events in Minecraft & Discord.

Server seasons

Theme: Oasis Town
April 10th - August 10th 2022
Season 1 Video of The Oasis
A handful of Photos from our Discord.

Theme: Red Planet.
August 20th 2022 - April 14t 2023
Season 2, Planet Oasis

Art by : Callontheraven

Season 2 end dragon fight

Staff team


Our helpers are here to answer questions and relay any urgent messages to our Admins. They have access to moderation tools in-game and on our Discord.







Social Media Team



They are the duo that manages our social media precense on Tumblr & Instagram.


Server Info

No installation of clientside mods, plugins, or data packs required to play.

Season 3 started on April 22th,2023.
18+ Minecraft Server
Server IP:
Game Version: 1.20.1, JAVA.
Difficulty: Hard
Inventory drops upon death.
Plugins & Datapacks :Click Here
Semi-Vanilla & Paper
Season Theme: Fantasy Medieval. This theme only applies to spawn builds. Otherwise, build in any theme you'd like anywhere on the server.
Server Location: USA, Florida.
Map Border: 5k radius in all directions.

NewbieA brand new member of the server. Has access to the usual /home /tpa commands and more. See Link. Note: You can access public farms after 7 real-life days have passed. Member rank is not required. It is a countdown that starts upon the first-time login. See Discord for more information.
Member14 real-life days in the community and 24 hours played. Same access as the newbie rank.
SeasonedA seasoned member of the community. This means they've joined us for at least 2 seasons and have at least 175 hours played in total across 2 seasons. Seasoned members have access to 2 /home slots.


1. Am I allowed to ----?Please open a ticket in Discord or ask staff in-game.
2. I can't connect to the server.Please open a ticket for assistance.
3. Am I allowed to build -- farm on the server?Please open a ticket in discord to contact staff for specifics on farms.
4. How often are server restarts?12pm/6pm/12am/6am Pacific Standard Time.It takes about 30 seconds to restart.
How do I submit a suggestion?You can notify staff in-game or submitting a suggestion to staff through a Discord ticket.
6. Am I allowed to stream on the server?It is allowed. Please hide the in-game chat box to maintain player privacy.
7. How do I contact staff?In-game or through Discord ticket.
==**8. Can I get my items back?Contact our staff team through a Discord ticket. Refunds are on a case by case basis.
9. How often does the server's map reset?Every 6-8 months Season 3 started on April 22th,2023. Surveys will be sent towards the end of the season. Contact staff if you have any questions.
10. Does the end get reset?Once a month We reset everything except the main island and the public Enderman farm. Feel free to contact us any time if you have questions.
11.Can I appeal my ban?Visit this link.
12. When do I get promoted to Member?You must meet these requirements: Two weeks of active community membership and 24 hours of non-afk play time on the server.Done manually by staff. Contact us if you have any questions.
13. Can I use mods?Yes! As long as it is not used to cheat,grief,x-ray or otherwise poor behavior and abuse. Example of allowed mods: Sodium, Shaders,Optifine, Mini Map mods, Litematica,Replay Mod, and so on.
14. What is the world border?5k raidus in all directions.

Whitelist Application

Applications are closed tempoarily. Please check back later.

Apply through Discord. One application per person.
Please allow up to 24 hours for a response to your whitelist application. Please do not DM or ping staff in discord.
You must be 18 or older to join.

To get started:
Read the discord and select the whitelist application button.


If you need clarification on the rules please ask a staff member,We understand this list is detailed, this is to provide the best experience for everyone in our community. We hope you can understand.

General Guidelines

Terms of Service.By joining our community, you agree to follow the rules. Failure to follow them may result in a warning or ban.
Must be 18+This is an 18 or older only community.
Don't be a dick.No racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, harassment, bullying, drama, or poor behavior.
No expectation of privacy.Our Minecraft server records a log of player sent messages, actions, etc.
No unsolicited messages or advertising.This includes DM's, any text in-game, or voice chat.
LGBTQ+ Friendly.Zero tolerance of homophobia and transphobia.
Discussion Policy.No posting or discussing (Text/Voice) porn, NSFW, gore, politics, religion, or other sensitive topics.


If you need clarification on the rules please ask a staff member. We understand this list is detailed, this is to provide the best experience for everyone in our community. We hope you can understand.

Minecraft Rules

Season Based-ServerYou understand that we reset our map every 6-8 months. There will be a new spawn theme each season.
Building/BuildsAll builds in our community must be appropriate. This means you cannot recreate historical events and tragedies.Please reach out if you have questions
Spawn ResourcesAvailable for everyone to use and gather.
Spawn MarketSee this page
Land claiming is required.See this page for more info for land claiming. Only spawn has a building theme required.
Mods are allowed.Mods on your game are allowed with exceptions. No cheating, hacks, or exploits.Optifine, Mini maps, Litematica are allowed.
Gameplay must be fair.No cheating, griefing, x-ray, stealing, abuse of any kind, glitching, duping, or exploits of any kind.== TNT dupers are acceptable as players do not gain any TNT blocks through operating the machine.==
Pranking & PvPMust be agreed upon beforehand.
LagDo not lag the server on purpose.
Respecting public areas.Do not destroy, trash, or grief public areas or areas not claimed by you.
Item RefundsThey are on a case-by-case basis. Contact staff through a ticket on Discord for help.
Breaking Bedrock.Requests must be sent through Discord tickets.
Don't be annoying.Seriously, don't.
Roads and tracksAllowed. Don't disrupt areas not claimed by you.
Wither BossMust be killed in a safe area. Not allowed under the end portal.
Empty Loot ChestsLoot chests in unclaimed places such as dungeons, villages, and end cities should be emptied completely. This starts the loot regeneration process.

Farms & AFking

AFK Farms & RedstoneFarms are allowed in all dimensions and the Nether roof.
Server SettingsWe run on paper. Redstone mechanics are slightly altered to prevent glitches and duping.
Laggy farmsStaff will disable farms that cause lag or disconnect the AFK player.

Public Farms

Land ClaimsClaim your builds with a land claim or dynmap sign marker. See this page.
Public FarmsDo not resell public farms' raw materials. BUT you can use the raw materials to craft new items to trade or sell at the market. Some farms require 4 real life days before it is open to newbies.
AFKingAFK at farms when you need large quantities.
Signage and InformationAll public farms should have proper signage or information posted.

1.20 specific rules

Armor Trims & Netherite Upgrade Smithing TemplateTo ensure all have access to armor trims. They must be donated to the server bank for copying.
Pottery SherdsSame as the armor trims. The first of each pottery sherd should be donated for copying purposes. Copy it then donate it to spawn.

Land Claiming Plugin

Make sure you set the explosions permission to ALL if you base has TNT duping redstone.

Our server uses XClaim to create land claims chunk by chunk. All claimed chunks will automatically be protected from block breaking/chest access and it displays on the Dynmap.The use of the land claim plugin is entirely optional.** You are however are required to create and name at least one banner with your username using an anvil, then place it at your claimed location, this will display on the Dynmap.**You may also use it to mark other areas of your claim or other claims with different names etc.You can choose to use both the land claim plugin and a named banner.Video coming soon! Please open a ticket if you have any questions.

How to Claim Land using XClaim
1.Open the dynmap
2.Press F3 + G in-game. This will show chunk borders.
3.Type /xclaim gui
4. Select the "new claim" button. This will automatically claim the chunk you are standing in.
5.Then click the barrier block to quit the claim menu. Then type /xclaim gui again
6. Select the crafting table, find the claim you created. Claim new chunks by right clicking the chunk you wish to claim with the cactus dye in hand.
- Smoke particles will appear when the chunk is claimed.
7. Check the dynmap, it should update within 30 seconds of claiming. If it does not update right away, refresh the dynmap page or wait until the next scheduled server restart.
- Once you have claimed all your areas, select the barrier block to exit.
8. Again, type /xclaim gui, this time select the name tag, to rename your claim.
- Enter the name in chat. It may not update on the dynmap until next restart.
9.Optionally, you can go through the other settings, such as adding players to your claim or changing the claim's permissions. By default no one has access to your claim except you.This means no one can break/place blocks or open chests unless you grant them permission.
This should complete your claim.

Claim Menu: /XCLAIM GUI

Photos to help explain the GUI menu.

Suggested Land Claim Permission Settings FOR PUBLIC FARMS: Type /xclaim gui to open the menu, then select Edit Claim Permissions, then select your claim, then select general permissions. Click the exit button in the GUI to close the menu, do not log out when editing permissions it may not save your settings.Note: Veteran Permission in the claim plugin means they must need to be on the server for 4 real life days. This is not a rank or role in the game. Its what the permission/plugin calls players who have been on the server for at least 4 real life days. An automatic timer counts down the second a player logs in for the first time. it is not playtimeAn example image of public farm permissions that only require door/chest access.
It is set to veteran status, so newbies get access after 4 days.

Build Permissions:Trusted or Veteran depending in the farm needs build permissions.
Break Permissions:Trusted or Veteran depending in the farm needs build permissions.
Enter Permissions:All or Veteran
Interact Permission:Veteran
Open Chest Permission :Trusted or Veteran depending on how the farm functions. You will most likely need to set it to veteran permission.
Place Entities:Veteran Permission
Place Vehicles:Veteran Permission
Use Flammables:Trusted or Veteran Permission
Damage Friendly Entities:Veteran or Trusted depending on how the farm functions.
Damage Hostile Entities:Veteran or Trusted depending on how the farm functions. All if the farm is out in the open or a mob farm that requires kill with sword so they can attack hostile mobs such as zombie,creepers,skeletons.
Damage Vehicles Entities:Veteran or Trusted depending on how the farm functions.
Damage Non-Living Entities:Veteran or Trusted depending on how the farm functions.
Damage Miscellaneous Entities:Keep to ALL.
Explosions:Trusted or Veteran Permission depending on how the farm works. This means it will prevent players from using creepers to explode grief your claim or ghasts for example.
Drop Items:Keep to ALL
Manage Claim or Remove claim:KEEP TO NONE.

Land Claiming

Claim your area in game before significant mining or builds. Press F3 in-game to see the coordinates.You are required to either:
- Mark claimed areas with a sign marker (see below).
- Or use the land-claim plugin to claim up to 200 chunks. The chunk limit is just a setting in the plugin config.It can be increased if needed by staff. See the link above for claim plugin.
There is otherwise no limit to what you can claim via the sign marker.

  • Check Dynmap before claiming an area.

  • Use a sign marker to mark your claim or use our land claim plugin. You may also use both. Example: land claim plugin to claim chunks, sign markers to mark your builds etc.

  • A named sign marker will automatically mark your area on dynmap.

  • (OPTIONAL) Use our block locking plugin. Click For More Information

  • Multiple claims are allowed and of any size.

  • You are welcome to build a small house, small shop (see market section for details), or small decorative builds at spawn as long as it fits the theme of spawn.

Sign Marking
- Craft a sign
- Place sign at desired location
- First line of the sign : [dynmap]
- Second & Third line is for text you want to appear on the map marker
- Fourth line is for the icon. Icon:icon name here.
See below for examples.

Block Locking Plugin

You do not need to install, add or change anything to your game in order to play on the server. Boot the game up, add the IP and log in to play.

How to use:
Watch this video
Shift right click a chest then click lock.
Shift right click again to edit the settings.
**It is the crouch button in case you have crouch rebound. **
/bp settings - This command opens a second menu.
- Create a list to automatically add a list of players to all locked blocks without having to add it to players individually.
- You can also set it to lock every block placed automatically.
BlockProt is a easy-to-use block and chest protection plugin. Players can lock chests, furnaces, doors and much more.
- Protect chests, furnaces, anvils, doors and much more.
- Players can configure their blocks with an easy to use GUI.
- Players can add friends to individual blocks.
- Players can define friends that automatically get added to all new locked blocks. Type /bp settings
- All protections are saved as UUIDs, name changes are therefore not breaking.
- Full redstone protection, if the player enables it in the block's GUI.

Player Market

You can open a shop after you have been in our community for 7 real life days .Server Currency: DiamondsShop Building Theme: Fantasy medeival.
A build theme is required for Season 3 at spawn island. It must match spawns theme of Medieval Fantasy.
If you'd like to sell items without a shop, post them for sale in our market channel on discord.

How Obtain a Shop

Plots1 Plot per person or 1 plot per group. No more than 1 plot.
16x16 Plots9 Diamonds each. Ideal for those who want to sell a lot of items and are active.
Tent Stalls2 Diamonds each. Ideal for those who sell a few items and are less active. Light decorating is allowed.
Boat/Ship Shops9 Diamonds, Build them in the ocean at the docks!
Docks Shop Alcoves5 Diamonds Each. You'll find banners out front. Light decorating is allowed, just do not remodel/break blocks to decorate.
Opening a ShopTo open a shop, name diamonds on an anvil, and place the payment at Tea's mailbox at the post office. You are all set, claim a plot by renaming the sign that's placed at the location. You do not need to contact Tea afterward. Once payment is made make the shop. Optional: Name the sign using our dynmap markers, it'll appear on the map.See landclaim page.

Consumer Guidelines

  • Place the payment in the same chest and slot where the item was withdrawn from. Full amount must be paid to the shop.

  • To purchase from a shop using the datapack sign hold the diamond in your hand and right click the shop. It will automatically withdraw the diamond and give you the items.

  • Notify shop owners in discord if you empty their shop.

  • Prices are in diamonds unless otherwise stated at their shop.

  • If prices seem too high or too low, contact the shop owner or notify staff to help the situation.

Economy & Etiquette

Sell items appropriately.No, flipping, price wars, excessive undercutting, or extremely low prices for high-value items.
Items sold must be gathered/crafted/farmed by you.Public farms raw materials may not be resold at the market. BUT you can use the raw materials to craft new items and trade or sell at the market. Do not flip items from other shops/buying out their stock to resell.
Use appropriate currency.Use diamond currency or item for item trade for payment.
Do not disrupt the economy.Disruption of the economy despite warnings will result in a temporary or permanent closure of your shop.
Pricing Items appropriately.The price of items or Free items must reflect the quality of the item. Example: Food can be free, end game items such as an elytra should be expensive.
Shop ThemesSimilar shop themes or same items sold is allowed. This means two shops can sell iron blocks or dirt.

Shop Ownership Guidelines

OwnershipLimit to 1 shop per person or per group at the spawn of any size. Must use premade plots at the market. This means if you are teamed up as a group you can have only 1 shop together. i.e sharing a base & materials.
Shop Building ThemeA build theme is required for Season 3. It must match spawn island theme of Medieval Fantasy.
Shop Inventory ThemeYour shop should stick to a theme in terms of items being sold. Example: Food shop, farmer shop that sells food, seeds, saplings, Redstone shop, etc. This is to avoid creating one giant general store that sells everything and anything.
Clear SignageAll shops must have clear and easy-to-understand signage both inside and outside the shop.
ConstructionBuild shops in the plots created by the staff. It is ok to go over the plot size as long as it does not disrupt other shops. If we are out of plots use the tents or ask for staff to create more plots.
AppearanceYour shop must be visually appealing, not disrupt other shops, and not excessive in height or size. No build style/theme is required for shops.
  • Examples on how to set up signs and pricing.

Shop Owners Activity Notice

ConstructionNew construction must be completed within 14 days of purchasing the plot or it will be considered abandoned. (As of May 1st 2022)
ActivityShops abandoned or unkempt will be issued 2 warnings by staff and then cleared after 7-14 days. If shop owners require more than 2 weeks of inactivity, contact staff in discord to extend it to 30 days. If you become inactive for more than 30 days then the shop will be cleared for someone else to purchase the plot.

Datapacks & Plugins

This list is extensive. Please do not hesitate to ask for help.
Note that any plugins, data packs, or features can be removed at any time if they malfunction or cause lag. If something is missing from the list notify a staff member.


DiscordSRVPluginYesIn-game chat in discord
BlockProtPluginYesLock chests & more. See this
GsitPluginYes/sit,/lay,/bellyflop,/spin,/crawl in-game.
DynmapPluginYesWeb browser of the servers map & in-game chat. See this
Death CoordinatesPluginYesPosts your death coordinates to the chat.
XClaimPluginYesLain claim plugin that works with dynmap. See this page.
PronounsPluginYesSet your pronouns in-game using /pronouns set then select from the built in list available. It will automatically display on the player tab list.
HuskHomesPluginYesA plugin for /tpa /home /spawn & warps. /back is disabled. Type /huskhomes help for the full list of commands & information. One home only per person.
Emoji ChatPluginYesA plugin that has preset emoji's and symbols. Type /emoji list for the full list. Works in chat and signs.
KudosPluginYesGive praise or recognition to another player. Type /kudos to see more information in-game.
DragonDropElytraPluginYesThe dragon drops elytra and an egg upon death inside a chest to the side of the portal.

DatapacksA majority of our datapacks will come from VanillaTweaks

Quality of Life

Armor StatuesDatapackYesWatch this video, customizable armor stands.
TimberDatapackYesGolden Axe only, Video, also works on fungi/nether trees.
Multiplayer SleepDatapackYes25% required for sleep.
Coords HudDatapackYesDisplays coordinates on the screen. /trigger ch_toggle to turn it on/off.
Nether Portal CoordsDatapackYes/trigger nc_inNether Video. Type in nether.
Nether Portal CoordsDatapackYes/trigger nc_inOverworld Video. Type in overworld.
Anti Ghast & Enderman GriefDatapackYesNo more annoyances.
Double Shulker Shells DropDatapackYesThe chance of extra shells works with looting.
Custom VillagerDatapackYesAt spawn by the market. Trades sand,gravel,dirt and other blocks.
Dragon DropsDatapackYesDragon will drop 1 egg and 1 elytra when killed.
XP ManagementDatapackYesRight-click a glass bottle onto the enchantment table to store xp in bottles. Note: XP bottles have varying levels of exp granted when broken. You will not get the same amount each time.
Custom Nether PortalsDatapackYesThis allows you to create nether portals of different shapes and sizes. Min size: 10, Max size: 84. See this video
Loot Chest RespawningPaper FeatureYesIf the loot chest is emptied completely and not broken, it will respawn loot over time for the next person. i.e end cities,strongholds, villages etc.
VanillaTwea's Wandering TradesDatapackYesAdds additional trades to the trader. Mini blocks(player heads reskinned to be mini versions of a block)
VanillaTwea's Unlock all recipesDatapackNoThis unlocks all the crafting recipes.
VanillaTweaks more mob/player headsDatapackYesPlayers and mobs have a chance to drop their head when killed.
Painting TableDatapackYesVideo. A crafting station that allows you to craft player heads with custom textures.A survival-friendly and multiplayer-friendly way to decorate your world with little blocks!
Tool/Weapon RacksDatapackYesVideo. Decoration rack for tools/weapon.
Shops DatapackDatapackYesGuide.

Crafting Tweaks

ElevatorsDatapackYesUse 2 wool of the same color and 2 pearls to create an elevator. Place 1 wool at the top location you want to teleport to, drop a pearl, then repeated at the bottom level. Teleport up or down using wool blocks. Crouch/Jump.
Back to BlocksDatapackYesCraft full blocks from stairs or slabs. 2x2 Grid.
More BlocksDatapackYesMore trapdoors,bark,stairs,bricks when crafted.
GravelDatapackYes4 Flint, 2x2 grid. Crafts gravel.
Horse ArmorDatapackYesCraft horse armor in iron,gold and diamond. See this.
Coral BlocksDatapackYes4 Coral Stems same color, 2x2 grid. Bonemeal coral in warm oceans at spawn collect stems with silk touch.
UnpackablesDatapackYesUncraft ice,nether wart & wool in the crafting menu. Wool becomes string.
BundlesDatapackYes6 rabbit hide, 2 string.
BlackstoneDatapackYesCraft Blackstone (and polished) using basalt and coal/charcoal.
Universal Dyeing/Sandstone Dyeing.DatapackYesAllows you to re-dye items that use dye and dye sand to get red sandstone.
Pottery Sherds Duplication by CraftingDatapackYesThis small data pack adds recipes for all pottery sherds. The recipes require a pottery sherd and a clay ball and will give you two of the same pottery sherds in return. The player will thus still have to find the pottery sherds by exploring but they become renewable, this eliminates having to explore further and further just to find more of the same pottery sherds.See Link

Nether & Teleport Hub Information

This section is out of date. Check back later for Season 3 info.

How To Use The Nether Hub

  • Use the elevator block to go below the nether roof.

  • Build Portal A at your desired location.

  • Once at the hub find the corresponding cardinal direction for portal B. Please keep along the path in an organized fashion.

  • Breaking the bedrock is allowed ONLY on the nether roof. Please open a ticket for a bedrock break request.

  • A guide on nether portal linking

  • DO NOT MAKE A NETHER PORTAL PAST 625+ - X/Z in the nether you have a chance to die If you go through the portal to the overworld.

  • The nether is 5,000 blocks x/z

  • Wither Boss Do not kill in the end under the bedrock portal. It will escape, the skulls go through the portal and grief spawn. Use other methods such as clipping it on the nether bedrock roof.

Elevator Blocks:
We use a datapack that allows you to create elevators using wool and an ender pearl.
Shift/Jump to go Down/Up
Wool blocks must be the same color.

Newbie Guide

A guide on how to get started on our server. As always if you need help please open a ticket under our help channel in discord or use the /report command in-game. Staff will answer your question soon as possible.

1. Log in our server! .You do not need to install or download anything to join our server except the Java Edition of the game.
Server IP: or travelersrespitemc.sparked.miami
2. Explore the spawn area. You can return at any time using / spawn
3. Check out our dynmap before you run off in a random direction.
4. Once you find a location you like and want to build in. Type /sethome This will allow you to use/ home later.
Important!: Do not mine at spawn for resources. Please mine off island.5. Check out the dynmap again incase someone else has claimed that spot. If not press F3 to find the x y z coords.
Create a dynmap sign Or use our land claim plugin (see the link at the top)
See this link for landclaims
This will be your land claim, it serves as a reminder that the area is claimed and displayed on the map.
6. Set your pronouns using /pronouns set then hit the space bar to display the list of pronouns available.
7. Have fun! If you need help please open a ticket in discord.
Player houses at Spawn Island
Building a player house at spawn is allowed if it is small or medium-sized. If you intend on building large builds or large redstone contraptions please do not build it on the spawn island. Select a new location anywhere else on the map outside of spawn island.You may also have a player house at spawn island and a separate base somewhere else on the map.Note that if a player house is not made significant progress after 2 weeks i.e inactive newbie, dirt hut, chests everywhere etc, it will be removed and items will be left in your player inventory.

In-game Commands

/trigger nc_inNethertype this command in the nether at your portal. it will give you coords on where to place/link your portal in the overworldVanillaTweaks Datapack.
/trigger nc_inOverworldThe same as above, but used in the overworld.VanillaTweaks Datapack.
Gsit Commands/sit,/lay,/bellyflop,/spin,/crawlA fun set of commands.


/huskhomes helpView homes,teleport and warp command information. 
/spawnTeleport to spawn.This will take you to the main spawn building.
/homeTo teleport home.We currently only offer 1 home for everyone.
/sethomeSet your home.Don't include a name when setting up your home.
/delhome homeDelete the home you set.Make sure you include the word home in the deletion command.
/edithomeEdit your home.It will open a list of options to edit your home command.
/homelistGet a list of your homes.We currently one have 1 home available. Check back later for multiple homes.
/publichomeTeleport to a public home.See the public list of available public homes and their names.
/publichomelistView the list of public homes.You can make your home open to the public for players to teleport to.

Teleporting To Players

/tpaRequests to teleport to another player.Example: /tpa rainbowtea
/tpacceptAccept a teleport request.You can also accept by clicking accept in the chat.
/tpdenyDeny a teleport request.You can also deny by clicking deny in the chat.
/tpahereRequest another player to teleport to your location.Works similarly to tpa.
/tpignoreIngore incoming teleport requests. 

Appeals & Punishments

Warnings & Mutes can be appealed in-game or in discord.
To appeal a ban send an appeal through our google form.

Punishment Ladder

Staff reserve the right to issue a warning,freeze,mute or ban as they see fit without the punishment ladder.

MINORThis will be issued for a first-time warning or after a verbal warning was issued and poor behavior persists.1Expires after 1 Week.
MAJORIt is issued for a second warning after poor behavior persists. This may also be given for severe rule-breaking. A mute or jail time may be issued.3Expires after a month.
CRITICALA third warning and poor behavior have continued to persist. A mute or jail time may be issued. This may also be given for severe rule-breaking.5The points acquired from this warning will not expire.

10 Points = Ban
Once a total of 10 points has been issued, the player will be banned by staff.
Expired points do not count towards the 10 points total.

Minor Infractions Examples

Verbal warnings can be issued in-game via in chat ,in discord chat or through discord tickets.

  • Spam or misuse of chat in-game or in Discord.

  • Engaging in inappropriate topics or causing drama.

  • Asking people to buy items from you.

  • Annoying or other inappropriate/poor behavior.

  • Emptying public farms without refilling them or othe misuse of public amenities.

Major Infractions Examples

  • Repeated violations from the minor category.

  • Disruption of gameplay. This can include glitching, and finding ways to get around protections on land or blocks.

  • Abuse of the player market.

  • Advertising without permission. Ask the staff first.

Critical Infractions Examples

  • Repeated violations from either the minor or major category.

  • Cheating in an event.

  • Pvping a player without their consent.

  • Abuse of mechanics and plugins.

  • Purposefully lagging the server.